Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm Off for the Summer!

Well, I was already off, have been for quite a while. One thing is certain, Schools out for the Summer! It has been an enjoyable class. Thanks to all who particapated! Have a great Summer, Linda

Where oh where is my last post?

This new e-mail transition is lousy and looses my most recent e-mails and posts unless Woud someone out there in google land pease let me know what's up?

Why has my web page changed?

I've tried to catch up my posts this evenign and even pulled a one nighter just to get caught up on my posts for Anthro class, but to no avail. Apparentyly, I am locked out of my web page while Pitzer is in some type of e-mail transition. Lets see how this works?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Grandchildren are Gods compensation for growing older

When one views the first star of the evening through the eyes of a grandchild, nothing can be more joyous. Sunday evening I had the rare opportunity of playing grandma lifeguard, while my grandchildren enjoyed a sunset swim. My youngest granddaughter had become somewhat waterlogged from an afternoon of swimming and wanted out of the pool. She immediately hoped into my lap, as I swaddled her in a warm, over sized beach towel. She snuggled into my lap and I wrapped my arms gently around her shivering frame. Suddenly, her curious little head looked heavenward and she gleefully shouted to her siblings, still swimming in the pool, that she had just seen the first star of the evening and had "dibs" on making the first wish. With a twinkle in my eye, I asked her what she would wish for. Without hesitation she reminded me that if she told her wish, it would not come true. I smiled and told her to make a silent wish. She closed her eyes tightly and wished something very profound, I am sure. Suddenly, the other grandchildren left the pool and sat next to us, wrapped in their towels, seated on cement still warm from the day's sun. For an unmeasurable time, we all sat with our heads heavenward and gazed at the unfolding array of stars appearing in the night sky. We found Saturn, Orion's belt, the big dipper, Betelgeuse and pulsars... and shared an unforgettable moment in time.

Education is power

I find it incredulous that many un-tenured teachers in Los Angeles inner-city schools are in danger of termination, due to budget constraints. The hope for the future of Los Angeles, as well as the whole of America is a well educated youth who are taught skills and knowledge that will prepare them to fill jobs of the future. In order for this to occur, the classroom size must be kept small, and the teachers in blighted or economically disadvantaged areas should receive pay incentives rather than pay cuts. This would insure teachers remain where they are sorely needed. To cut teaching funds, reduce salaries, and increase classroom size would be a travesty; not only to the dedicated teachers, but most especially tragic to our youth.

Cyber interaction offers wonderful socialization for homebound

It has come to my attention, after reading several commentaries on the wonders of the Internet, that one of the greatest advantages and opportunities the Internet offers is socialization and cohesive social networks to the mobility challenged and home bound. It appears that there are endless opportunities for such individuals to have meaningful social lives and freely interact with cyber friends around the globe, as well as those in their national, state and local communities. Indeed, the Internet is the great equalizer. May it ever be so.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Is love in cyberspace real?

Philosophers through all ages have tried to describe love. Now, in the new millennium we have an addition to the plethora of love descriptions. In this splendid new age of cyberspace, we also now have "cyber love"., e-Harmony, and countless other love connectors are making great profits in a business that perpetuates "cyber love". Web sites make their claim to fame and broadcast their commercials with real couples who have been successfully matched in "loving matrimony". My question is, are these relationships any different than love relationships that are naturally occuring in real life? Comments please.

Is String Theory valid?

String Theory advocates believe that all matter is connected; and, that all matter is constantly in motion,vibrating. Last year I was privileged to hear the nuances of string theory expounded on by the Dean of the Harvard School of Physics. She maintains that there are at least 11 dimensions, probably 24, and quite possibly an infinite number; and, that all multi verses are simply vibrations away from each dimension,and rest on thin membranes that would be analogous in the cosmos of multi verses to dimensional worlds on stacked pieces of paper, connected by thin, invisible threads, "the fibers of the universe".

Also, things that exist in one dimension are unable to perceive things that exist in two dimensions, but the things that exist in two dimensions can see and perceive full well the things that exist in the first dimension; things that live in the third dimensions can see the first two dimensions, but neither the first nor the second can perceive the third, and so on. She feels through the use of certain proton beam techniques, science will soon be able to see "shadows" of the forth dimension and even perform measurements on the "shadows" to confirm details that elude science presently, about dimensional multi verses, and beyond. Wow! What an awesome thought. Einstein said that imagination was more important than knowledge. I agree, for without imagination, we would still be eating raw food in caves. God bless the string theory physicists, they are the poets of science!

Alfred Lloyd Tennyson achieved immortality through poetry

The world was given a balm to help mend grief, in the eighteenth century.In Memoriam, by Alfred Lloyd Tennyson, transcends time. Tennyson freely shared his grief in elaborate poems as he worked through his pain, suffering and sorrow. Through his sharing of heartfelt feelings regarding the loss of his dear friend and future brother-in-law, Halum, the world has been given a guide to morning, prior to the advent of the psychiatrist’s couch and Zoloft. Truly, it is a beautiful poetic rendering of the stages of grief.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Physician Assisted Suicide is A Scam.

First and foremost, palliative care, the correct terminology for best medical practices performed by extensively trained and specialized physicians who treat the terminally ill, is very effective and efficient in controlling intractable pain in the terminally ill; and, in properly treating and helping these fragile patients face death pain-free, with dignity. A palliative physician recently shared with me that she had never personally experienced a patient who could not be managed by using a correct course of pain medication or palliative pain management. The pain medication, and pain management is state of the art in America. No terminally ill patient should ever suffer in this age of palliative expertise.

Yet, physician assisted suicide advocates; usually financially and philosophically backed by every major insurance company in America, insists that terminally ill patients suffer intractable pain tantamount to a tortuous death. Thus, should be given the right and choice to participate in a physician assisted death, with dignity and peace.

These uninformed fear monger advocates, preach a myth. Truly, there is no such thing as physician assisted suicide. In the eyes of the American Medical Association (AMA), such an act could never be carried out by a licensed, AMA physician. An assist in the taking of a life, terminal or healthy, would constitute an abomination to the practice and philosophy of medicine. The AMA issued an ironclad, strong, written statement that unequivocally proclaims that they are forever opposed to assisting terminally ill patients in life-ending suicide measures.

Yet, through cleverly termed and manipulated laws, good citizens are fooled into believing two untruths. First, that they will receive the help of a licensed physician at the time they choose to end their life; and, that the medication induced death will be a peaceful exit.

Regarding the first myth, as stated above, the AMA does not endorse, nor will it ever endorse a member physician to take a life. Regarding the second myth; if the patient is successful in finding a physician to write a prescription for a lethal dose of medication, there will be no professional administering of the medication by a licensed physician. The medication will be administered and supervised at home by an appointed friend or family member.

The sad truth, learned by many unfortunate Oregonians, is that the medication can cause sever nausea, convulsions or combative behavior. If vomited, the death can be prolonged and tragic, or unsuccessful, resulting in extend comatose ICU stays. The medicine has caused numerous side effects and resulted in unnecessary trauma for both the terminally ill patient as well as attendant family and/or friends, with many tragic outcomes. Untold numbers of emergency resuscitations, paramedic interventions, ambulance rides, emergency room lifesaving procedures and expensive and painful ICU stays have resulted for an untold number of terminal Oregonians who suffered complications from the prescribed lethal dose of medication.

The stories of these failures are suppressed in the media. Presently, Oregon has no tracking method or recording method to account and track the numerous failed suicide attempts suffered by the terminally ill. The gruesome stories surface, are told among shocked, traumatized and saddened relatives, but are suppressed only to vanish from the media. Real events, too horrific to imagine have occurred and continue to occur. The insurance companies of America keep the lid on the stories so that the practice can eventually be practiced in every state in the union, because in spite of failures, they feel they still save a huge amount on those terminally ill patients who are successful.

Stop North Korea from Launching More Missiles

North Korea must be stopped. They proved they have the capability to launch a missile. Both US and international intelligence saw the launch site and predicted they were set to launch, yet the US and the World at large did little. As predicted and feared, today, Korea launched that missile. Thankfully, this time, the missile didn’t make landfall. Korea claims to simply have launched a communications satellite. Yea, right! Take notice world; this rouge nation would love to share its technology for dollars, food, etc. with any other rouge nation who will pay. And who knows, their leader is said to boarder on lunacy; he may be unstable enough to use it on the US…as soon as he can. O.K. Mr. President, time to act. The world is watching as are the people who elected you.

Stop the Genocide in Darfur

If Darfur were located in Europe, the genocide would have been halted long ago. Because Darfur lies within the African continent, world powers do little, and the carnage continues. How many innocent lives will continue to be horrifically slaughtered? Wake up world. Send a strong, united global message; back it up with enforcable and mandated sanctions against the tyrants that thirst to spill innocent blood. Stop the mayhem.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hospitalized Students Excluded From No Child Left Behind

Hospitalized Students in the USA do not receive an education equal to their well peers. Some innovative children's hospitals across the nation do offer their hospitalized students school programs while in their facilities; yet these are the exceptions. There is no educational provision in the No Child Left Behind Act for students confined in hospitals. Our sick and injured children are just as deserving, but currently have no guaranteed access to an equal education, and the number that become secondary school drop-outs are discouraging.

In the UK and many countries across Europe, hospital schools are the rule, not the exception. There are established programs and standards that insure that these students receive an education on par with their well peers., greatly diminishing secondary school drop-out rates

I am in the process of devising a hospital teaching program that can be duplicated in various hospital settings across America. I will welcome any comments that might aid in this endeavor.


Locate and Disarm the World's Nuclear Weapons!

I maintain that humankind would sooner find, identify and disarm all potentially live nuclear weapons before we solve any other crisis on the planet; in order to insure the survival of this planet and forever remove the eminent threat of nuclear destruction. Comments Please.

What should USA do about North Korean Missile?

Today's news finally confirmed the existence of a near-ready North Korean nuclear missile. I saw the picture the press circulated today. I am no authority, but a picture is worth 1000 words...or, in this case, the picture represents massive destruction, countless human loss and significant global ruination. Apparently, the US is worried that it coud reach Hawaii. We all know the North Korean Government is unstable and that their people don't have enough food. So is this new nuclear missile their form of extortion to solve their food shortages? This missile should never have happened. Much more could and should have been done at a concerted international level to prevent North Korea from developing their new extortion tool. What now Mrs. Clinton?

Has anyone realized there are already enough nuclear weapons world wide to completely destroy earth, at least thirty or forty times over. When does mankind finally say enough! With so much human ability, greatness and genius, when will our species rise above the barbarism of human destruction? It is simply beyond my comprehension. Comments please.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is Obama ignorant regarding embryonic science?

Obama and his medical advisers ignorantly think that new findings in adult stem cell research indicate that destruction of embryonic stem cells is paramount. But, in actuality, adult stem cells should be perpetuated instead. Obama and his advisers should preserve, not destroy embryonic stem cells.In medical advancements, adult stem cells are superior. Embryonic stem cells are far less effective than adult stem cells; yet, Obama maintains that it is practical and ethic to destroy embryonic stem cells, which is erroneous.

Do auto mechanics take unfair financial advantage of women?

I just bought a new car because my old one was diagnosed by the dealer to be in need of costly repairs that far exceeded the value of the four-year-old car. So, rather than throw good money after bad, I bit the bullet (in this failing economy) and opted for a new, inexpensive economy car. I justified the purchase because my gas charges would be cut in half by the new economy car. Since I commute a long distance daily, the monthly fuel savings would cover half the cost of the monthly payment on the new car.

Also, my neighbor who is a mechanic for a local dealership, privately bought my old car for what I thought was a fair price. He said since the old car needed work, he would pay me what it was really worth since he could fix if for very little. After all, he is a mechanic, and he seemed to be fair and honest, so I sold it for the retail wholesale blue book value, minus what he said it would cost him to repair it.

After both above transactions were complete, I learned from a personal friend (also a mechanic) that he would have fixed my car for half the amount I was quoted by the dealership; and, as if that fact is not bad enough, he also said he would have bought my old car for twice the price my neighbor paid.

Now I ask you, do male mechanics take unfair financial advantage of women?

Grandchildren are delightful

My five year old granddaughter is a breath of fresh air. If life is heavy, dull, or absurd, I am immediately brightened just to be in her presence. Indeed, she lifts me to a higher realm. Her constant smile radiates love and a contagious zest for life, unequaled by anyone. She infects me joy as I watch her savor each moment we are together. After my visits, I find myself reinvigorated and refreshed. I look forward to next week's visit when we will laugh, and play again. Her animated, bubbly conversations cover a gamut of topics, and she is opinionated on every one. I am indeed blessed to view the world anew, through her big hazel eyes. I am thankful indeed that I am her grandmother. She is truly wonderful compensation for my wrinkles.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Does global warming precipitate mini-ice ages?

I did research for an earth science class regarding global warming. I was startled to learn of a theory held by many internationally renowned climatologists that recognized that our planet is indeed undergoing global warming, but that the greater threat to life on our planet is the imminent threat of a looming mini ice age. They claim it will result in a relatively short time as a direct result of atmospheric changes that occur due to the global warming.
Question: If that truly is the case, why do we not hear a global outcry regarding that fact? And, why are these scientists not being heard in the world media platform?
Now this should generate research on the web regarding the coming ice age, which they project to start around 2050. Comments?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Should we be afraid of artificial inteligence?

Not too long ago I saw the movie, Eagle Eye. It provoked me to contemplate advanced artificial intelligence.

Is the creation of a free thinking artificial intelligence a peril or a blessing? Science and medicine already achieve better science and safer medicine using robots.

Also, should the world's ethicists be discussing and establishing rights to protect artificial intelligence from misuse and abuse? If we do give protection to such artificial life forms, where do we draw the line? How would we define artificial intelligence vs. artificial life? There have been numerous movies and sci-fi novels that deal with this topic. How do you feel about it? I will look forward to reading your comments. Linda

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is love?

Well, I successfully posted my first log for anthro class. Unfortunately, not without a formatting error in the title, of all places, flawed because I inserted a formatting guide from bad. The formatting rule must not apply to titles.

As this adventure continues, I am still optimistic. I find this blog a great place to use my stream of consciousness techniques, after all I am an English major. Yet, I do want to enlist responses, so I suppose I should ask questions rather than practice my stream of consciousness technique and bridge topics other than relay drivel that fills the non synaptic recesses of my wandering mind.

O.K., virtual land, how do you feel about true love? For starters, how many takers will comment on what they think true love is? Now, this may sound out dated since Valentine's Day was last week, but why not? It is still February, after all. Philosophers have tussled with the definition of true love throughout the ages. Lets hear from those cyber-philosophers that read this. What is true love, in the highest sense? Are there any takers out there in cyber land that could comment with insight and passon? I will be grateful and enlightened, perhaps even edified by your responses. Please, let your insights role, but keep it clean and esthetically elevated.

Also, have we contemplated what true love is in virtual land? Can we share true, lasting, abiding and enduring love in the cyber realm? Is cyber "true love" even possible? If so, is it a deeper and truer than love found in the physical world? Is it counterfeit love? How do you define virtual, true love? Is virtual true love superior or inferior, preferred or abhorred? Please, remember that we are talking true love, not cyber sex. Again, keep your comments elevated. Comments please.

===level Linda Yearns to Explore Cyber Realm

Thanks to Professor Norvell, I can now navigate to my blog and the limitless cyberspace beyond. Indeed, this is an exciting prospect. I am filled with a sense of adventure and excitement similar to what one experiences at the outset of a spontaneous, unplanned, cross-country road trip. I am open and eager to visit new lands, view the scenery, meet new people, and embrace their culture. I'm an optimistic "newby". With this perspective, the possibilities seem endless and inviting.

It is my initial intention to accomplish much, though I don't exactly know what that is and even less about what to expect along the way. I am naive, and at this departure, totally unabashed. My only plan is to observe, then communicate and enlist spontaneously interactions with fellow cyber beings that will create a log of sorts that I can later analyze. I fear my real test will be communicating in fast conversations that will engage others so I become a worthy player, and not a voyeur who will go down in flames.

As I contemplated maneuvering through the virtual realm, the thought stuck me that I will most probably encounter "bots" from time to time as I travel the virtual highways. Will I recognize them as "bots" or think them to be typing, disembodied humans? At this point, I can only conjecture. So here goes my first attempt at blogging as an anthropological researcher. All comments and communications are welcome, classmates as well, and especially all others. Bon Voyage to me!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Anth 68 - First Post

I have set-up this blog site for my Anth 68 class to gain experience in Internet Research.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Post

This class is enjoyable.